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How To Secure Funding For Playground Markings

How To Secure Funding For Playground Markings
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How To Secure Funding For Playground Markings

Securing funding for playground markings or a new playground design project doesn’t need to be difficult. There are a huge number of organisations which provide different types of donations and funding which will help to support your school.

Our team have rounded up our top advice for the places to look to secure funding below:

Sport England

Sport England provide a wide range of funding options for schools throughout England, some of which can be put towards new sports court or games markings. Many of the schools we have worked with apply for funding with Sport England to ensure they have the budget to create a unique playground for their pupils for years to come. 

Community Fund

The National Lottery Community Fund provides funding for a huge range of project types, including some schools to help promote physical activity among young children. More information on the criteria and types of funding available can be found here.

Sports Premium Funding

Sports Premium is a funding initiative provided by the government which offers a fund for primary schools to help improve their facilities for children to share in physical activity. This funding is often how our clients budget for their playground markings, as these fulfil the requirements outlined in the funding.

More information on Sports Premium funding can be found here.

Other ways of funding a playground marking project

If you have already applied for the above funding, we also recommend looking at other ways of creating a budget to invest in new playground markings or resources. PTA funding, non-uniform days, bake sales and sports competitions are great ways to get all the pupils involved and have fun while generating investment for the school!

UniPlay’s Playground Markings

At UniPlay we design and install playground markings for primary schools throughout the UK, working closely with teaching staff to provide markings which improve playground experiences for pupils.

All of the work we provide is in house and so, we can easily create bespoke markings including school logos and designs. Our team have worked with many schools who have used funding for their markings project, including Sports Premium funding and donations from PTA groups.

Whatever your requirements, our team are here to assist you. Examples of our playground markings can be found via our website however, if you have any questions our team are available to chat.

Get in touch with our team

To find out more about the playground marking services we provide, reach out to our experienced team. We are passionate about working on projects which add value to young people’s experiences when engaging in break times and recreational play.

To speak with a member of our team simply call 0333 321 6695 or email info@uni-play.co.uk and we will be in touch as soon as possible.

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