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Mile a Day

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    Redesign your school playground using PE and
    Sports Premium Funding

    Daily Mile Track Playground Markings

    The Daily Mile is a great initiative aimed at improving the physical and emotional wellbeing of children and helping to decrease childhood obesity in schools and nurseries across the country. Each year UniPlay assists schools in the UK by installing thermoplastic Daily Mile Tracks, which make it easy for kids to participate in fitness activities during break times.

    Research shows that 1 in every 10 children in primary school is obese and a third of children are considered to be overweight. UniPlay’s daily mile track is an excuse-free method to improve children’s fitness and encourage then to participate in physical exercise.

    We offer a variety of daily mile track specifications including markings in a range of colours and designs. The Daily Mile Track encourages thousands of nursery and primary school children to walk, jog, or run at their own pace.

    Some of our Mile a Day themes include;

    • Stars
    • Spots
    • Footprints
    • Lines and more

    We can also create bespoke thermoplastic daily mile track themes that match your school branding, ethos and themes. Our mile a day circuits are hard wearing and sustainable. UniPlay’s designers can also use a combination of themes to create a visually enhanced daily mile track.

    There are variety of daily mile track options to choose from which can be found via our website, however as we complete all of the work in-house, we are also flexible on designs. Do not hesitate to contact our team for a bespoke Daily Mile Track.

    Thermoplastic Daily Mile Track

    Thermoplastic daily mile track is a simple but effective solution that is ideal for tarmac area. Thermoplastic track on tarmac is weather-proof and ideal for use all year round.

    The material we use is also non-toxic and anti-slip. The thermoplastic daily mile circuit can also be adapted to incorporate a fitness trail, school logo, and sports spots to make the markings unique.

    We highly recommend the thermoplastic daily mile track due to its flexibility and cost-effectiveness. The thermoplastic option can also be easily adapted to suit your school theme. In addition, the thermoplastic daily mile track can be created off-site, with only installation taking place at the school grounds which reduces disruption to your school day.

    We also remove any existing playground markings prior to installation, we use high power water jetting to safety remove markings and thoroughly clean the area.

    Daily Track Mile Pricing

    The cost of your daily mile track depends on a variety of factors. The length and the width are a major factor. We suggest installing a length that is suitable for several laps. It is also worth taking into consideration the ideal width accommodates children overtaking and running side by side if you wish

    As part of our design process we provide a free site visit to assess your existing playground. From this assessment we provide a range of options, incorporating a range of different markings and even bespoke school logos if required.

    Get in touch with our friendly professionals for a free estimate.

    Browse our range of Mile a Day

    0.3m Each
    Product code: PMDAILYMILEFOOT
    0.1m Each
    Product code: PMDAILYMILESPOTS
    1m Dashes
    Product code: PMDAILYMILELINE
    100mm Each
    Product code: PMDAILYMILESTARS
    Free no obligation site visit   Book now  

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