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Sports Premium Update 2022: Spend Your Funding By 31st July

Sports Premium Update 2022: Spend Your Funding By 31st July
Uniplay - Playground Markings / Resources / Sports Premium Update 2022: Spend Your Funding By 31st July

Sports Premium Update 2022: Spend Your Funding By 31st July

On 28th October 2021, the Department of Education updated its Guidance on Sports Premium. As a result of the COVID-19 outbreak, any unspent grant will be carried forward but must be spent in full by 31st July 2022.

The government programme is designed to help primary schools gain access to equipment and facilities that provide physical activities for kids during P.E. lessons and break times. The initiative promotes positive interactions and relationships between the children and encourages physical activity to keep them active as they grow.

How can UniPlay help you make effective use of Sports Premium Funding?

We aim to help schools across the UK use the Sports Premium funding effectively, ensuring they meet the outlined criteria in a suitable way. Keeping children active is a key requirement of this grant and we work hard to provide a range of excellent options.

We recommend using the funding on various thermoplastic markings on your playground that encourage children of all ages to stay active. We offer Mile a Day playground markings designed to captivate children of all ages and keep them moving.

Our markings are designed to help get children into sports and keep them interested. We encourage their input and participation to design Build Your Own Trail markings which makes it easier to get them involved in sports and physical activity.

Schools can also use the Sports Premium funding to develop their sports courts with games such as tennis, football, netball, basketball, and more. These games improve agility and social skills.

UniPlay offers anti-slip sports courts that come in bright hues which are attractive to children of all ages. Our sports courts’ thermoplastic markings can be adapted to playgrounds of all sizes whether big or small. Our team can also help you maximize the space available with proper planning.

As you plan how to spend your Sports Premium funding, it is important to keep in mind that it should be spent on activities that meet the physical activity requirements for children of all ages. UniPlay thermoplastic playground markings are ideal for children of all ages from nurseries to high school and higher institutions.

We can also help redesign dull playgrounds with old or faded markings. Our team can visit your school and help you create a bespoke playground where children can engage their bodies and minds.

Our markings are ready for use within 30 minutes of installation, so whether you are interested in roadways, adventure trails, education games, or even social distance markings, your playground will be ready within the shortest time possible.

Upgrade Your Playground

After spending the Sports Premium funding, schools will be required to give a detailed report of how it was used and how the improvements will be sustainable in the future. UniPlay’s thermoplastic markings are not only safe for the environment, but they are also durable and do not require frequent maintenance and repairs, unlike paint making them a sustainable, long-lasting solution.

Get in touch with us to find out how allocating your Sports Premium funding to your playground can impact the school’s physical activity and improve pupils’ P.E and sports participation. To speak to our team simply call 0333 321 6695 or email info@uni-play.co.uk and we will be in touch as soon as possible.

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