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Spending Active Travel Funding in 2021

Spending Active Travel Funding in 2021
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Spending Active Travel Funding in 2021

Announced in May 2020, Active Travel Funding has been created to fulfil the growing requirement for members of the public to utilise public transport, walking and cycling during their commutes to work and school.

Allocated in 2 sections, this funding is provided to local transport authorities to assist with improving travel routes, particularly walking and cycling paths throughout the UK. The first section of allocated funding was announced in a bid to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, with further funding available for all areas of the UK.

More detailed information on the funding and allocations to different areas of the UK can be found via the UK Gov website.

Ways to spend Active Travel Funding

Active travel funding is focusing on the installation of new cycle and walking routes throughout the UK, providing alternative ways for people to travel during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond.

Transport secretary Grant Shapps commented at the time Active Travel Funding was announced: ‘During this crisis, millions of people have discovered cycling – whether for exercise or as a means of safe, socially-distanced transport. While there is no change to the ‘stay at home’ message today, when the country does get back to work, we need those people to stay on their bikes and be joined by many more.

’Otherwise, with public transport’s capacity severely restricted at this time, our trains and buses could become overcrowded and our roads gridlocked – holding up emergency services, critical workers and vital supplies.’

Many transport authorities are working with local schools to ensure the new cycle and walking routes can be properly utilised for pupils and parents during their journey to and from school. In these cases, road markings, colourful crossings and safe cycle routes can be implemented with durable thermoplastic markings.

UniPlay’s thermoplastic playground and road markings

At UniPlay we provide a huge range of thermoplastic road and playground markings to suit a variety of requirements. We work with both schools and councils to fulfil a range of different briefs, including those that fall under the Active Travel funding.

We have already assisted schools with encouraging walking and cycling to school, rather than using vehicles. We have implemented eye-catching and creative markings which highlight the importance of activity levels and road safety.

We take pride in the colourful and engaging markings we are able to create, with our own in-house team designing and installing the markings for each of our customers. If you would like to know more about how our services can fulfil the Active Travel Funding requirements, do not hesitate to get in touch with us.

We offer a free no-obligation quotation and are extremely flexible around school hours and the best times for installation to suit your pupils needs. We also have existing relationships with many councils having designed and installed road markings for many years.

Speak to us

Our professional team provide a whole host of marking services including road, cycling, walking and pedestrian safety markings. These fall exactly under the active travel requirements and so, are the ideal solution for those looking to spend this funding in the best possible way.

For more information simply call our team on 0333 321 6695 or email info@uni-play.co.uk and we will be in touch as soon as possible.

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