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5 tips to improve playtime on the playground

5 tips to improve playtime on the playground
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5 tips to improve playtime on the playground

Throughout our time working with schools and nurseries, we have seen a huge range of different playtime areas, being used in a variety of ways by children and staff to develop more effective play.

At UniPlay we are specialists in developing playground areas to maximise the quality of play in terms of essential skills development. Due to our experience within our industry, we are often asked by our customers how they can develop their school’s available space.

Our 5 tips for improving playtime

UniPlay’s top 5 tips for improving playtime are:

  1. Playground markings

Having creative playground markings on your playground helps children to develop a huge range of skills and importantly, improves the quality of breaktimes during the school day.

Children are able to use their imagination and build on their creative play development via the use of playground markings. To ensure your children stay engaged during playtime, having a range of markings across the playground is essential.

  1. Invest in equipment

Alongside having markings on the playground, investing in other playtime equipment can help you to improve the quality of children’s breaktimes. There are a large number of playground equipment companies which provide durable toys children can utilise during breaktimes or lessons.

We have worked with other providers to create a unique playground experience, teaming equipment with playground markings. 

  1. Create a quiet place

Alongside all the hustle and bustle of playtime, it is also important to create a quiet place where children can feel comfortable and enjoy other activities such as reading and relaxation.

Having this quiet corner will help all children to get fulfilment from their playtimes, no matter what their interests are.

  1. Encourage interaction and group play

Playtime is imperative in developing communication and interpersonal skills for children, therefore by encouraging interaction and group play children can continue to develop these skills.

Of course, playground markings and equipment help to work towards encouraging group play however teachers can also do this via activities and play suggestions for their year groups. 

  1. Resurface

If your playground hasn’t been updated for some time, you may need to consider resurfacing to provide a more suitable playground surface for the above tips. Regularly inspecting the playground and ensuring the upkeep is carried out appropriately means the children at your school will benefit. 

Speak to us

If you would like to know more about improving playtime by using playground markings, do not hesitate to get in touch with our experienced team. We have been working with schools, nurseries and educational organisations for X years, providing bespoke playground markings to help their children get creative at playtime.

To speak with a member of our team simply get in touch via our website or call our office on 0333 321 6695.

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