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How to Get Started with a New Playground Design

How to Get Started with a New Playground Design
Uniplay - Playground Markings / Resources / How to Get Started with a New Playground Design

How to Get Started with a New Playground Design

Children often utilise different types of play to develop physical, mental, and social skills as well as learn about the world around them. A good playground will challenge and promote growth through different types of play and accommodate pupils’ different needs.

As you plan your playground, consider structuring the space to accommodate pupils at different learning stages. You should also consider including various types of play to promote physical play, mental development, and social interaction.

Phase 1

  1. Define Your Objectives

As you get started with your new playground design, the first step is to define your objectives. This helps you stay focused and envision what the playground needs to be for the pupils. Consider factors such as:

  • Number of pupils
  • Ages and ability levels of the pupils
  • School themes and colours
  • Budget
  1. Analyse the Site

At this stage, you should already have a designated area for your playground. Analyse the site factoring in natural and artificial elements that may impact your playground design. Consider factors such as:

  • Sun position
  • Vegetation
  • Site conditions
  • Existing walkways

This is also the best time to determine whether the site needs further preparation. For instance, if you are installing thermoplastic playground markings, the site should have a concrete, asphalt, or tarmacked surface.

Phase 2

Once you have the potential site ready, it is time to design your playground. Uniplay helps you incorporate the following factors into your design.

  1. School’s Goals and Ethos

It is important to communicate school values in your playground. Our thermoplastic markings can be designed to promote your school values and goals and even support your educational theme.

Unlike generic play spaces, playgrounds that incorporate school ethos into the design give children get a sense of belonging. Children get a stronger sense of the school culture and spirit in a playground that promotes community.

  1. Educational Elements

We will also work with you to incorporate educational elements into your playground. We recognise that pupils each have their own unique way of learning and need different conditions to help them leran as they play. The UniPlay design team can help you create:

  • Active play areas
  • Sensory play areas
  • Creative play areas
  • Imaginative play areas
  • Social play areas
  • Reflective play areas

These play types help guide the design as you factor in educational elements in different play zones.

  1. Age-based Play Zones

It is important to separate play zones according to age. This allows children of all ages to participate in age-appropriate play and keeps the children safe on the playground. An inclusive playground also gives children the opportunity to socialise with pupils of their own age.

While designing age-based play zones, our team can also help you incorporate age-appropriate challenges that make playing fun and help children developmentally.

There are numerous other factors to consider during the design stage. If you would like to find out more factors that might affect your playground design, reach out to us to talk to one of our friendly team members.

Contact UniPlay for Professionally Designed Playgrounds

All children deserve a playground that is fun, vibrant, and safe. At Uniplay we can help you bring your ideas to life. We have worked with hundreds of schools across the UK creating unique playgrounds that blend in with the natural elements surrounding them.

Our creative team is not only experienced, but also reliable. We provide all our services in-house from design to installation to ensure that we deliver your playground as envisioned.

Our playgrounds are designed with children in mind accounting for all their physical, mental, and social needs. Get in touch with us to find out more about designing a unique playground for children of all ages.

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