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Road Safety Markings for Your School Playground and School Grounds

Road Safety Markings for Your School Playground and School Grounds
Uniplay - Playground Markings / Resources / Road Safety Markings for Your School Playground and School Grounds

Road Safety Markings for Your School Playground and School Grounds

Teaching young children about the dangers on the road can help keep them safe. Schools across the UK are now using thermoplastic playground markings to teach young children about road safety. UniPlay offers thermoplastic road safety markings that highlight road safety awareness.

Resources such as Brake and Think! Road Safety are of great help in integrating road safety education into indoor and outdoor learning. We understand that children of all ages need to learn and practice road safety, which is why we help schools across the country design and install creative roadway markings.

UniPlay Road Safety Markings for Your School Playground and School Grounds

When teaching road safety, the most important aspect is setting a good example. Children closely follow and pick up the behaviour of teachers, parents, and other adults around them.

Installing road safety markings around your school grounds and actively using them can help children learn by watching their teachers and older students. For instance, crossing at zebra crossing markings can teach children where to cross the road in the real world.

Our road safety markings help you take learning beyond the classroom and into the playground. Some of our popular road safety markings include:

Traffic Lights

Installing traffic lights markings on your school roadways and teaching children about them from a young age can help keep them safe. Traffic lights are the most common road safety markings and are easy to learn.

Our thermoplastic road markings are ideal for reinforcing the “Stop, Look, Listen, Cross” rules.

Zebra Crossing

Zebra Crossing markings can be installed on various areas on your school grounds to teach children the ideal places to cross the road. Little pedestrians can also learn about these markings on the playground as they have fun identifying different road safety markings.

The Walking Man

The walking man thermoplastic marking can help teach kids to cross the road only when the sign is green. Use our markings creatively to teach children never to cross when the waking man sign turns red.

Stop Sign

Another useful sign is the stop sign which helps children learn when to cross the road and when to stop. Our vibrant thermoplastic stop signs are perfect for teaching small children who have not learnt how to read road signs because they can remember the colours.

Road Safety on The Playground

Installing road safety markings on the playground is a perfect way to help children actively learn how to use roads safely. Younger children who respond better to vibrant colours will enjoy our thermoplastic road markings as they are fun to look at and make it easy to learn.

Using our thermoplastic road markings on your playground can help children understand how road safety works and what to expect when walking or riding their bicycles. It is also safer to teach kids about road safety within the confines of the school rather than on real roads.

Adding road safety markings to your playground is a fun and innovative way of teaching kids while they have fun. Consider incorporating tricycles and scooters to keep the children more engaged.

Get in touch with us to learn more about our road safety markings and how you can use them to keep kids safe.

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