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Supporting Your Pupils Learning in Schematic Play

Supporting Your Pupils Learning in Schematic Play
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Supporting Your Pupils Learning in Schematic Play

Schematic play involves repeated actions and behaviours as a child explores ideas that interest them. While these vary from child to child, they are biological and socio-cultural. To make the most of schematic play, you will need to equip children with the time and freedom to explore without interference.

In simple terms, schematic play is how a child explores certain ideas and learns about the world around them. It often seems repetitive, but to the child, it is a way to understand the ideas. There are a variety of schemas including:

  • Trajectory schemas: Moving objects back and forth
  • Transporting schemas: Moving objects back and forth in different containers.
  • Containing schemas: Children enjoy being in an enclosed space.
  • Enveloping schemas: Children love enveloping themselves in blankets or tents.
  • Rotating schemas: Children love spinning and turning objects.

As a parent or a teacher, children involved in schemas benefit from you most when you observe without interference, however, still provide support when required.

Nurturing a Quality Environment for Schematic Play

Children exploring schematic play need to be in a nurturing environment so they can develop the confidence to explore their thoughts and ideas. At this stage, children are involved in engaging play, and it is critical to invest in games that capture their attention.

You can help children at this stage by providing resources that support schematic play. At UniPlay, we specialise in installing thermoplastic playground markings such as mile tracks, mazes, throwing, and more that help children explore schematic play.

It is also important to ensure children at this stage have exciting play spaces which are inspiring and inventive. Our thermoplastic playground markings are available in vibrant colours, that not only capture attention, but also inspire children to spend more time on the playground and engage in creative group and independent play.

Our high-quality thermoplastic markings and non-toxic and non-slip making them ideal for use by small children even in wet weather.

Introducing Different Levels of Engagement Within Schematic Play

Outdoor play presents excellent opportunities for children to explore various schemas. You can use our thermoplastic playground markings to introduce different levels of engagement within schematic play. These levels include:

  • Stage 1: Sensorimotor: Here, children learn through actions, movements, and senses. Their complex, multisensory connections teach them about their environment and about themselves.
  • Stage 2: Symbolic: Children use an object to represent something else. Commonly known as pretend play or make-believe, young children involve themselves in imaginative play using games markings around them.
  • Stage 3: Functional Dependency: During the functional dependency stage, children apply knowledge gained from previous experiences in new situations. They also beginning to understand that an object can be used in multiple ways and understand the principles of cause and effect in the relationship between different objects.
  • Stage 4: Abstract Thought: Children demonstrate knowledge and understanding through talking and describing events and experiences. They also use their knowledge to create and develop individual ideas and use language to share their thoughts and feelings.

UniPlay’s thermoplastic Markings for Schematic Play

At UniPlay, we help schools across the UK create playgrounds that support children’s schematic play. Our thermoplastic markings vary from number grids, targets, trails, and more. These markings allow children to engage in schematic play through repetition and other schemas.

Our playground markings are suitable for toddlers and young children in nursery schools and kindergarten. We can also design bespoke markings that suit your curriculum and support your children’s learning.

Get in touch with us to find out more about how you can use our thermoplastic playground markings to support schematic play.

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